General Terms and Conditions of LET´S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE | Strom Splněných Přání

General Terms and Conditions of LET´S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE

DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI o.p.s., Reg. No. 229 038 44

Lojovická 797/20, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
listed in the Prague Municipal Court's register of non-profit organisations, Ref. O 1330

(hereinafter reffered to as the Operator)


The Operator manages the websites and where, within the framework of the projects presented on those websites, it lists various options for supporting children growing up in children's homes with which the Operator has a Cooperation Agreement.

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Terms and Conditions) govern the relationship between the Operator and a person interested in supporting children from children's homes in the form of a financial contribution - a gift (hereinafter referred to as the Supporter) via an internet form presented on one of the above web portals. By submitting the form, the Supporter confirms acquaintance with the Terms and Condition and agreement with them.

By sending the completed form regarding the provision of a financial contribution (hereinafter referred to as the Form), the Supporter contributes to a specific gift listed on the Operator's website according to the Terms and Conditions of individual projects. This means that the Supporter may pay all or part of the contribution required by the Operator for the child in the minimum set amount. The suporter chooses the amount of their contribution (gift) themselves and states it in the Form.

Contributions by the Supporter can be paid:

  • by bank transfer to the designated account of the Operator
  • by card in cooperation with the payment gateway of Global Payments s.r.o.

Upon sending the Form by the Operator, an agreement on the provision of a contribution/gift is concluded between the Operator and the Supporter. Based on this contract, the Supporter is obliged to provide the agreed financial contribution. On the other hand, the Operator is obliged to take over the financial contriburion and use it in accordance with its purpose and determination of its use. 

Gift Acceptance Record

The provision of a financial contribution/gift to the Operator enables the Supporter to deduct the donated amount from their tax base, provided that the conditions of Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income taxes, as amended, are met. The conditions for deducting a financial contribution/gift from the tax base for people are set out in Section 15 (5) of the Income Tax Act, and the conditions for legal entities are set out in Section 20 (8) of the Income Tax Act. The Operator shall issue a gift acceptance record in connection with the Supporter's request specified in the Form.


The handling of complaints and the excercise of rights arising from defective performance in the event of, for example, problems with the payment of the contribution to the Operator etc. is resolved mainly by mutual agreement of the Supporter and the Operator. In the event of a complaint, the Supporter is oblged to inform the Operator without undue delay to the address of the Operator. Contact person JUDr. Markéta Vaňková, e-mail: 

Security and Personal Data protection

The Operator handles the personal data of the Supporter in accordance with Act No. 101/200 Coll., on the protection of personal data and in accordance with EU Regulations 2016/679, the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection. In this context, the Operator has adopted the Principles of Personal Data Protection, according to which it proceeds. The Operator is the admiistartor of personal data provided in connection with the implementation of the contribution by the Supporter.

The Operator does not sell or pass on the personal data to other entities, except in cases determined by legal obligations (eg according to the Accounting Act etc.). The Operator is also entitled to communicate the names of the Supporter and the data from the Form to the bank at its request in connection with the  card payment of the contribution made by the Supporter - following the acceptance of MasterCard and VISA payment cards in the public internet data network.

Contact details of the Operator:
DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI o.p.s., Lojovická 20, 142 00 Prague 4
contact person: JUDr. Markéta Vaňková, e-mail:

Final Provisions

These General Terms and Conditions of the non-profit organisation LET'S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE (DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI o.p.s.) are published on and The Operator is entitler to change and supplement the Terms and COnditions. The Terms and Conditions as binding at the time of sending the completed Form by the Supporter. The legal regulations of the Terms and Conditions and the relationship arising from them are governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll, The Civil Code. 




Have you not decided yet?

If you cannot decide what wish to fulfil, you can help by sending a contribution to the project’s account
 6072121028/5500 under a variable symbol 9999. We use these contributions to pay for the unfulfilled wishes and thanks to them, we have also managed to fulfil all the children’s Christmas wishes in recent years! You can also contribute via card payment through secure terminal HERE
